It can be upsetting to discover that your dog has worms, but it is a very common problem, affecting all dogs at some point in their life.
Worms are parasites, found in the intestines. There are several different types of worm, but those most frequently encountered in the UK are roundworms, which look like pieces of string and tapeworms, which have long, ribbon-like bodies.



Roundworms lay thousands of eggs which are passed via the faeces into the environment, where they can remain infective for many months to years. These eggs may be picked up by dogs, either directly through walking in a contaminated area, or indirectly by consuming an infected rodent. It is also very common for puppies to be born with worm infestations or to acquire them soon after through their mother’s milk.



Tapeworms attach themselves to the wall of the intestine and produce a continuous string of segments, each containing large numbers of eggs. These segments gradually break off and pass out in the faeces where they may be picked up by fleas or rodents. Infections may occur either through consuming infected rodents or swallowing fleas whilst grooming.


If a large number of worms are present, nutrients can be stripped from the gut, leading to weight loss. Damage may also be caused to the lining of the intestine, resulting in blood loss, vomiting and diarrhoea. The internal organs may be injured due to the migration of worm larvae and in extreme cases, the intestine may become blocked – a potentially fatal condition.

With lighter infestations, there may be few external signs of ill health. However, these animals can act as a source of infection to other animals or humans.

The most significant risk to human health is through the larvae of the roundworm Toxocara. Children may come into contact with this worm in the environment and it can result in damage to the eye, heart or brain.



Thankfully, it is relatively easy to kill all intestinal roundworms and tapeworms using our recommended wormers. Regular worming significantly reduces the risk of your dog acting as a source of infection to you and your family.

If you have any questions relating to worm control, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Parkside nursing team.

Prevention is better than cure

As a member of the Premier Pet Club, you receive comprehensive worm treatment tailored to your pet’s needs, to keep your pet worm-free throughout the year.

Members also receive a wide range of other benefits such as UNLIMITED consultations, flea, tick & mite treatments, routine vaccinations, and receive great savings on many key services.