Pet parasites: How to deal with ticks on dogs and cats

Pet parasites like ticks are affecting dogs and cats in many parts of the world. They climb onto plants, especially in areas of long grass, pasture or mixed forest and wait for a suitable animal to walk past, allowing them to cling onto the coat. Areas with high...

Neutering Your Dog

Female dogsNeutering/spaying is the process by which the ovaries and, in certain cases, the uterus are surgically removed. At Parkside, we recommend neutering female dogs from 6 months of age, unless they are to be used for breeding. Ideally, neutering should be...

Pet Dental Care – The Importance of Healthy Teeth

Why pet dental care is important Dental disease is the most common health problem diagnosed in cats and dogs. However, it can be easy to miss due to the “suffer in silence” approach which tends to be adopted by our pets. These problems are frequently painful but with...